2017— | Estonian Academy of Arts, Art and Design, Tallinn, PhD, supervisors: Prof Kadri Mälk and Dr Raivo Kelomees |
2013— 2015 | Estonian Academy of Arts, Jewellery and Blacksmithing, Tallinn, Prof Kadri Mälk, MA, cum laude |
2012— 2013 | Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, Studio Metal and Jewellery Studio ‘S+M+L_XL’, Prof Karol Weisslechner, exchange study |
2008—2012 | Estonian Academy of Arts, Glass Art and Design, Tallinn, Prof Mare Saare, BA |
2005—2008 | Narva Art School, art interest education |
1996—2008 | Sillamäe Old Town School, secondary education |
2014 | Florian Ladstätter’s studio, Vienna |
2018 | Adornment and Gender: Engaging Conversation, developed with writer, curator and editor Benjamin Lignel and Norwegian Crafts, Oslo |
2020 | Estonian Artists’ Association |
2021 | Tactilite — Stone that Tickles the Gaze, Hobusepea Gallery, Tallinn |
2020 | Magical Hotspot, Vent Space, Tallinn |
2019 | iTouch Store, A-gallery’s Vault Room, Tallinn |
2017 | Eros Loading, HOP Gallery, Tallinn |
2011 | Touch, University of Tartu Narva College, Narva |
2023 | |
Remembering Kadri Mälk, Galerie Biro, Munich | |
Trigger, curators: Evelyn Raudsepp and Maria Helen Känd, Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia, Tallinn | |
Down the Rabbit Hole, curators: Justė Kostikovaitė, Maija Rudovska and Merilin Talumaa, MO Museum, Vilnius | |
Autumn Auction 2023, curator Lilian Hiob, Vaal galerii, Tallinn | |
Keeping Things in the Dark, EKA Gallery, Tallinn | |
Look at Me! Listen to Me!, curator Julia Polujanenkova, Tartu Art Museum, Tartu | |
Keeping Things in the Dark, Sillamäe Muuseum | |
Triquetra, curator Šelda Pukite, Kogo Gallery, Tartu | |
2022 | |
Decolonial Ecologies, quad-installation Keeping Things in the Dark, curator Ieva Astahowska, Riga Art Space | |
Material Change: Design and New Technologies, curator Karin Vicente, Ice Age Centre, Tartu | |
(Fortune) Telling. (Zombie) Coding. (Gelatin) Catwalking, curators Zane Onckule and Elizaveta Shneyderman, Smack Mellon, New York | |
Material Change: Design and New Technologies, curator Karin Vicente, Adamson-Eric, Tallinn | |
Spring Exhibition 2022, curator Siim Preiman, Tallinn Art Hall | |
New Year’s Resolution, curator Aleksander Metsamärt, Telegram | |
Women in Contemporary Estonian Design, curator Triin Jerlei, Museum Museum of Applied Art and Design, Tallinn | |
Buckle Up, Door Gallery, Munich Jewellery Week, Munich | |
2021 | |
Life in Decline, curator Francisco Martínez, Estonian Mining Museum, Kohtla-Nõmme | |
2020 | Proxy Saliva From a Ranked Souvenir, curator Nico Lillo, The Wrong Biennale |
Can You Feel It?, curators Anne Vetik & Kai Lobjakas, London Design Week | |
15 Minutes With…, NYC Jewelry Week, New York | |
Digitally Yours, NYC Jewelry Week, New York | |
Handmade Hacking, Baltimore Jewelry Center | |
The Anatomy of Estonian Art Jewellery 1953—2019, Tartu Art Museum | |
Body Control, Museum Arnhem | |
Next Door, Munich Jewellery Week, Munich | |
Ternion, Door Gallery, Nijmegen | |
2019 | |
Balticana, Hessel Museum of Art, CCS Bard Galleries, New York | |
Non-Stick Nostalgia: Y2K Retrofuturism in Contemporary Jewelry, Museum of Arts and Design, New York | |
Everyone Says Hello, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo | |
Fogspeak: 13 Jewellery Artist From Estonia in Riga, Putti Gallery | |
Door is Open, international art jewellery event Schmuck, Munich Selected by Karin, Rene and Christian, international art jewellery event Schmuck, Munich | |
NEF-X, Amber Trip, Vilnius | |
2018 | |
X2 Selection Group, Beyond Gallery, Antwerp | |
METALLOphone Biennial, House of Signatories, Vilnius | |
Estonian Jewellery Through Centuries, Adamson-Eric Museum, Tallinn | |
Rocking Stones, Beyond Gallery, Antwerp | |
Schmuck, international art jewellery event, Munich | |
Fogspeak, Platina Gallery, Stockholm | |
NEF-X, Maarjamäe Palace, Tallinn | |
Dead Man’s Skis or How To Describe the Forest to Digital Rabbits, Tartu Art House, Estonia | |
2017 | |
Armour, Kiek in de Kök, Tallinn | |
Offset, Galerie Résidences, Paris | |
Enjoia’t, Contemporary Jewelry Awards, Disseny HUB Barcelona | |
Dead Man’s Skis or How To Describe the Forest to Digital Rabbits, Vaal Gallery, Tallinn | |
2016 | |
Testament, duo exhibition with Kadri Mälk, Galerie Biró, Munich | |
Symptom, EAA Gallery, Tallinn | |
CATHEXIS, Melting Point 2016, Escuela superior de Arte y Diseño de Valencia | |
Estonishing! 13* from Estonia, Galeria Thomas Cohn, São Paulo | |
Estonishing! 13* from Estonia, Munich Jewellery Week, representing Thomas Cohn Gallery, Munich | |
Representing Marzee Gallery at Munich Jewellery Week, Munich | |
Talente 2016, Munich Jewellery Week, Munich | |
2015 | |
Winter Breath, Putti Gallery, Riga | |
Marzee Graduate Show 2015, Marzee Gallery, Nijmegen | |
Ferromenaalne, Tallinn Art Hall Gallery, Tallinn | |
Virvatuled, Estonian Museum Of Applied Art And Design, Tallinn | |
2023 | |
Let’s Get Phygital, collaborative project between Estonian Academy of Arts and London Colledge of Fashion and PXL-MAD, curating an exhibition and moderating a panel discussion, EKA, Tallinn | |
Naturally, It Is Not, curating an exhibition together with Keiu Krikmann, Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design, Tallinn | |
2022 | |
Let’s Get Phygital, collaborative project between Estonian Academy of Arts and London Colledge of Fashion, curating a student- exhibition, Studio D-40, Munich | |
How to Create a 3D Ring, workshop, KUMU, Tallinn | |
2019 | |
Digital Intimacy, organisation of a symposium, in collaboration with Current Obsession magazine, Munich | |
2018 | |
Fragments, workshop, Estonian Museum of Applied Arts, Tallinn | |
2017 | |
Offset, ehxibition dedicated to Estonian design, Galerie Résidences, Paris | |
2016 | |
Kafedra, curating exhibition of Jewellery and Blacksmithing department’s collection, Narva Art Residency, Narva | |
2023 | |
Lecturer in a collaborative project between Estonian Academy of Arts, London College of Fashion and PXL-MAD | |
2023 | |
Lecturer in a collaborative project between Estonian Academy of Arts and London College of Fashion | |
2022 | Supervision of Ulrika Paemurru’s master’s thesis, Estonian Academy of Arts |
2015— | Guest Lecturer at Estonian Academy of Arts |
2016—2018 | Museum Pedagogue at Estonian Museum of Applied Art & Design |
2013—2016 | Jewellery Designer at Monquer [now Hyrv] company |
2013—2015 | Drawing Teacher, Istituto di Moda Burgo Eesti Moekool |
2011—2012 | Art Teacher, Sillamäe Huvi- ja Noortekeskus Ulei |
2024 | Discussion within the exhibition Down the Rabbit Hole at MO Museum in Vilnius together with Justė Kostikovaitė, Maija Rudovska, Merilin Talumaa, Darja Popolitova and Anastasia Sosunova, moderated by Valentinas Klimašauskas |
2023 | |
Probing the Digital. Cyborgs, Avatars, and AI, the Institute of Contemporary Art, Architecture, and Design at the Art Academy of Latvia (LMDA), Riga | |
Poetry Festival, curaator Sveta Grigorjeva, Vaba Lava, Narva | |
2022 | |
Artistic Research Method You Haven’t Heard Of, artist lecture on Zoom, Rhode Island School of Design | |
PhD Vitamin, conference, Tallinn | |
Design conversation evening #4: Video Killed the Radio Star or What if Cybersmiths Killed Master Skills?, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn | |
How to Shape Knowledge Through Art?, public lecture, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn | |
2021 | |
Artificial Intelligems DREAMS + TALKS, Virtual symposium, organised by Anneleen Swillen | |
2020 | |
Conference of the Doctoral School, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn | |
University pedagogy course, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn | |
2019 | |
Jewelry of Tomorrow, symposium, Museum of Arts and Design, New York | |
2018 | |
Adornment and Gender: Engaging Conversation, conference, Oslo | |
The Body Political: Wearable Objects as Social Tools, Lauren Kalman’s workshop, participant, KORU6, Imatra | |
2017 | |
Quality, symposium, Platina Gallery, Stockholm | |
Social Club #4, conversation evening, in collaboration with Current Obsession magazine, Munich Jewellery Week, Munich | |
2016 | |
PechaKucha, ARS House, Tallinn | |
Conference: Design Education 50. Wins and Losses, Tallinn | |
Selecting participants for the annual programme at EAA Gallery, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn | |
2015 | |
TEDx, conference, Tartu Ülikooli Narva kolledž, Narva | |
2014 | |
Lecture about EAA Jewellery and Blacksmithing Department, St. Petersburg Art and Industry Academy | |
Popolitova, Darja. 2021. Luule. Müürileht, november, p. 3. | |
Popolitova, Darja, 2022. Tactilite — Stone that Tickles The Gaze, or the Confession of an Artwork. In: K. Krikmann, 2021. Aleksandr Popolitov. Sillamäe: Sillamäe Muuseum, pp. 52-67. | |
Popolitova, Darja, 2019. Long Nails of Privilege. Current Obsession, 7, pp. 1-7. | |
Hallik, Sofia; Popolitova, Darja, 2019. Digitally Produced Jewellery: Tactile Qualities of a Digital Touch. The Journal for Artistic Research. | |
Popolitova, Darja, 2015. Androgynous Jewelry, Autor Magazine, 3, pp. 17-19. | |
Heinsalu, Juss; Popolitova, Darja; Kosorotova, Sandra, 2022. Cones, Dust and Microscope — Artists on Tactility. Leida. | |
Popolitova, Darja, 2022. Ehtekunstnik Darja Popolitova valu maailmas toimuva pärast: paljud „vene” inimesed ei sündinud Venemaal ega valinud Putinit presidendiks. Interviewed by Triin Tiisel. | |
Popolitova, Darja, 2021. Darja Popolitova: kes ei teeks oma sünnipäeval selfit?. Interviewed by Heinrich Sepp. | |
Popolitova, Darja, 2021. Tactilite: Stone that Tickles the Gaze. Interviewed by Vica Gábor. Current Obsession. | |
Popolitova, Darja, 2021. Вскрыть всю липкость существования. Interviewed by Elnara Taidre. | |
Popolitova, Darja, 2021. Dekadentlikule maitsele. Interviewed by Kaarin Kivirähk. Säde, suvi 2021, pp. 98-100. | |
Popolitova, Darja, 2021. Darja Popolitova: „Ehe vaatab maailma kultuuri silmadega“. Interviewed by Kaisa Tooming. Hä | |
Popolitova, Darja, 2020. Suur lugu. „Kui pole ruumi, pole ka teoseid“ ehk kus töötavad kunstnikud Tallinnas ja Tartus?. Interviewed by Kaarin Kivirähk ja Marika Agu. | |
Popolitova, Darja, 2020. I am the witch. Interviewed by Una Meistere. | |
Popolitova, Darja, 2016. Uus Eesti Disain: Darja Popolitova. Interviewed by Mariliis Mõttus. Müürileht, 59, Dec. 2016, p. 28. | |
Popolitova, Darja, 2016. Darja Popolitova. Interviewed by Kadri Karro. Eesti Ekspress, 20 Jan, 2016, p. 36. | |
Popolitova, Darja, 2016. Darja Popolitova: ehete taga on lugu. Interviewed by Mari-Liis Koemets. Yu Magazine, 3, pp. 33-39. | |
Hallik, Sofia; Popolitova, Darja, 2016. Kas ühe päästerõngaga ikka päästab kultuuri?, Interviewed by Reet Varblane. Sirp, 13 May 2016, p. 10. | |
Popolitova, Darja, 2015. Украшения как неслучайное творчество. Interviewed by Olesja Rotar. Plug Online. | |
Popolitova, Darja, 2014. Creative Mind: Conceptual Jewelry. Interviewed by Camilla Franziska Bonne, Tallinn Arts, 2, pp. 74-79. | |
Krikmann, Keiu. 2021. Kleepuva eksistentsi igapäevane maagia. Kunst.Ee 2021(3), pp. 22-25. | |
Metsamärt, Aleksander. 2021. Meie igapäevane puutemaagia. Müürileht. | |
Luhaäär, Merle, 2020. ‘I am a magnet for people. My life is exciting.’ From concept art to conceptual art: jewellery, sexism, xenophobia and loneliness. Current Obsession. | |
Riggs, Kellie, 2021. A Post-Digital Prophecy Virtual Space and Jewellery. Current Obsession. pp. 6-9, 21. | |
Riggs, Kellie, 2019. -White Cube / +White T-Shirt: Context Via Image and Today’s Cult Jewelers. Metalsmith. 39/1, lk 45-46, 53. | |
TV & RADIO | |
Hiob, Lilian. 2023. Darja Popolitova. Ultra Contemporary. [näituse kataloog] np. <> | |
Popolitova, Darja, Värske Rõhk. Külas Darja Popolitova, Sofia-Elizaveta Katkova and Svetlana Štšur. IDA Raadio, 23.05. 00:00-1:00:45. | |
Malkin, Mihhail, 2021. Летняястудия. ERR, ETV+, 12.04.2022, 00:00-07:31. | |
Malkin, Mihhail, 2021. Летняястудия. ERR, ETV+, 04.08.2021, 26:11-33:26. | |
Suržikova, Aljona, 2021. Edulood. Darja Popolitova. ERR, ETV+, 21.03.2021, 00:00-43:07. | |
Žemžurov, Aleksandr; Sergeeva, Varvara, 2021. Великолепная четверка. Художник украшений Дарья Пополитова о своей истории успеха!. ERR, Raadio 4, 09.02.2021, 00:00-12:18. | |
Võsumets, Marian, 2021. Reporter. Kanal 2, 29.01.2021, 00:00-17:52. | |
Karasjova, Natalja, 2020. Кофе+. ERR, ETV+, 14.10.2020, 03:36-05:00. | |
Boons, Sofie, 2020. Lockdown Series | Digital Jewellery. Digital Jewellery with Darja Popolitova. The British Academy of Jewellery, BAJ Podcast, 19.06.2020, 00:00-31:20. <> | |
Hiob, Lilian, 2020. Vitamiin K. Darja Popolitova. IDA Radio, 08.07.2020, 00:00-30:00. <> | |
Katsan, Ellina, 2020. Актуальнаякамера. ERR, ETV+, 05.07.2020, 07:46-09:15. <> | |
Tisler, Julija, 2020. Летняястудия. ERR, ETV+, 07.07.2020, 10:36-13:57. <> | |
Jahimovich, Ilona, 2019. Звуки. Мысли. Встречи. Latvijas Sabiedriskie Mediji, Latvijas Radio 4, 28.03.2019, (16:07) 00:00-22:31. <> | |
Vetik, Anne, 2019. Materialism. Külas Darja Popolitova. IDA Radio, 13.09.2018, 59:33. <> | |
Tisler, Julija, 2018. Актуальная камера. Дизайнер Дарья Пополитова рассказала о процессе изготовления современных украшений. ERR, ETV+, 16.09.2018, 00:00-04:01. <> | |
Vedom, Evelina, 2017. Рабарбар. Нашакультура: 65. ERR, ETV+, 19.05.2017, 15:10-22:25. <> | |
Kilumets, Margit. 2016. OP. Ehtekunstnik Darja Popolitova: vene rahvastik on Eestis peidetud ressurss. ERR, ETV, 03.05.2016, 00:00-03:00. <> | |
Kilumets, Margit. 2016. OP. ERR, ETV, 11.10.2016, 15:05-17:54. <> | |
Rotar, Dan, 2016. Барабан. ERR, Raadio 4, 11.07.2015. 00:00-48:46. <> | |