Darja Popolitova, Sabīne Vernere, Elīna Vītola

Curator Šelda Puķīte opens up the topic of this group show:

‘Throughout history, magic, nature and art have been seen as part of the dangerous chaos that exists outside the normative. They are entities on broad spectra that make them seem abstract, out of control and, therefore, suspicious. What is forgotten amidst such prejudice is that each of them provides spiritual connectivity, imagination, an openness to experimentation and play, as well as healing. The spectrum encoded in each can be viewed as a playful trickster expanding meanings, blurring lines and territories, and growing all the connecting networks. The invited artists all have their unique creative spectra that define their techniques and interests.’

For this group exhibition, I created a sculptural installation and a video:

KNUCKLE RINGS FOR TICKLING ― the altars which are created out of 3D-printed biodegradable polyester, are chrome-plated and incorporate ‘magical’ jewellery tools in their forms. These tools are bronze knuckles, which are designed to balance one of the most destructive human feelings ― revenge. Integrated brushes add a playful twist, introducing a speculative tickling function. As seen in the ‘Ritual Dance of the Revenge Equaliser’, these pieces come alive, mimicking TikTok dances, adding an ironic touch to the physical jewellery.

Wall and body jewellery
Bronze, laser engraving, 3D-printed and chrome-plated polylactide, steel fastenings, textile dye, blonded bear fur.

HD video 1’ 10’’, sound
Idea & Editing: Darja Popolitova
Sound: Andres Nõlvak


News 🗞 Darja Popolitova artwork ANTROPOS HAPTIKOS is presented at Vaal galerii sügisoksjon 30.11 & 02.12.2023.