This website includes two parts:

part features contemporary art jewellery, sculptures, installations and videos suitable for art collecting or display in museums and art galleries.

Darja Popolitova is a contemporary jewellery artist, lecturer and PhD student at the Estonian Academy of Arts. She was born in 1989 in Sillamäe and is currently based in Tallinn. Popolitova’s creative process is driven by an ironic view of nowadays, inspiring her to blend (digital) craft and video performances with fiction. She finds the tactile and symbolic nature of jewellery to be a generous medium that allows her to conceptualise ideas.

Popolitova was honoured with numerous awards and scholarships such as the Artist Salary (2022), the Annual Award of Estonian Cultural Endowment (2020), the EAA Research Publication Award (2020), the Adamson-Eric Scholarship (2018) and the Young Estonian Jewellery Award (2015). She took part in the shows at the Smack Mellon Gallery in New York (2022), the Arnhem Museum in the Netherlands (2020) and the Museum of Arts and Design in New York (2019).

ALMAZISTA part features jewellery pieces created for design consumers and stores. If you are a jewellery admirer seeking adornments at a considerable price, you may be more interested in Almazista. The brand focuses on experimentation with materials and technologies: colourful coatings, laser engravings and 3D-printed distorted forms. Almazista’s keynotes are irony and complex compositions — absurd treasures for adorning a body.

Contact   D.popolitova✔️
Hobusepea 2, Tallinn, Estonia



2017Estonian Academy of Arts, Art and Design, Tallinn,
PhD, supervisors: Prof Kadri Mälk and Dr Raivo Kelomees
Estonian Academy of Arts, Jewellery and
Blacksmithing, Tallinn, Prof Kadri Mälk,
MA, cum laude
Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava,
Studio Metal and Jewellery Studio ‘S+M+L_XL’,
Prof Karol Weisslechner, exchange study
20082012Estonian Academy of Arts, Glass Art and Design,
Tallinn, Prof Mare Saare, BA
2005—2008Narva Art School, art interest education


Sillamäe Old Town School, secondary education
2014Florian Ladstätter’s studio, Vienna
2018Adornment and Gender: Engaging Conversation,
developed with writer, curator and editor
Benjamin Lignel and Norwegian Crafts,
2020Estonian Artists’ Association 
2021Tactilite — Stone that Tickles the Gaze,
Hobusepea Gallery, Tallinn
2020Magical Hotspot, Vent Space, Tallinn
2019iTouch Store, A-gallery’s Vault Room, Tallinn
2017Eros Loading, HOP Gallery, Tallinn
2011Touch, University of Tartu Narva College, Narva
Remembering Kadri Mälk, Galerie Biro, Munich
Trigger, curators: Evelyn Raudsepp and Maria Helen Känd,
Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia, Tallinn
Down the Rabbit Hole, curators: Justė Kostikovaitė,
Maija Rudovska and Merilin Talumaa,
MO Museum, Vilnius
Autumn Auction 2023, curator Lilian Hiob,
Vaal galerii, Tallinn 
Keeping Things in the Dark, EKA Gallery, Tallinn
Look at Me! Listen to Me!,
curator Julia Polujanenkova,
Tartu Art Museum, Tartu
Keeping Things in the Dark, Sillamäe Muuseum
Triquetra, curator Šelda Pukite, Kogo Gallery, Tartu 
Decolonial Ecologies, quad-installation
Keeping Things in the Dark,
curator Ieva Astahowska,
Riga Art Space
Material Change: Design and New Technologies,
curator Karin Vicente, Ice Age Centre, Tartu
(Fortune) Telling. (Zombie) Coding.
(Gelatin) Catwalking, curators Zane Onckule
and Elizaveta Shneyderman,
Smack Mellon, New York 
Material Change: Design and New Technologies,
curator Karin Vicente, Adamson-Eric, Tallinn
Spring Exhibition 2022, curator Siim Preiman,
Tallinn Art Hall
New Year’s Resolution,
curator Aleksander Metsamärt, Telegram
Women in Contemporary Estonian Design,
curator Triin Jerlei,
Museum Museum of Applied Art and Design, Tallinn
Buckle Up, Door Gallery, Munich Jewellery Week,
Life in Decline, curator Francisco Martínez,
Estonian Mining Museum, Kohtla-Nõmme
2020Proxy Saliva From a Ranked Souvenir, curator Nico Lillo, The Wrong Biennale
Can You Feel It?, curators Anne Vetik & Kai Lobjakas, London Design Week
15 Minutes With…, NYC Jewelry Week, New York
Digitally Yours, NYC Jewelry Week, New York
Handmade Hacking, Baltimore Jewelry Center 
The Anatomy of Estonian Art Jewellery 1953—2019, Tartu Art Museum
Body Control, Museum Arnhem
Next Door, Munich Jewellery Week, Munich
Ternion, Door Gallery, Nijmegen
Balticana, Hessel Museum of Art, CCS Bard Galleries, New York 
Non-Stick Nostalgia: Y2K Retrofuturism in Contemporary Jewelry, Museum of Arts and Design, New York
Everyone Says Hello, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo 
Fogspeak: 13 Jewellery Artist From Estonia in Riga, Putti Gallery
Door is Open, international art jewellery event Schmuck, Munich
Selected by Karin, Rene and Christian, international art jewellery event Schmuck, Munich
NEF-X, Amber Trip, Vilnius
X2 Selection Group, Beyond Gallery, Antwerp
METALLOphone Biennial, House of Signatories, Vilnius
Estonian Jewellery Through Centuries, Adamson-Eric Museum, Tallinn

Rocking Stones, Beyond Gallery, Antwerp
Schmuck, international art jewellery event, Munich
Fogspeak, Platina Gallery, Stockholm
NEF-X, Maarjamäe Palace, Tallinn
Dead Man’s Skis or How To Describe the Forest to Digital Rabbits, Tartu Art House, Estonia
Armour, Kiek in de Kök, Tallinn
Offset, Galerie Résidences, Paris
Enjoia’t, Contemporary Jewelry Awards, Disseny HUB Barcelona 
Dead Man’s Skis or How To Describe the Forest to Digital Rabbits, Vaal Gallery, Tallinn
Testament, duo exhibition with Kadri Mälk, Galerie Biró, Munich
Symptom, EAA Gallery, Tallinn
CATHEXIS, Melting Point 2016, Escuela superior de Arte y Diseño de Valencia
Estonishing! 13* from Estonia, Galeria Thomas Cohn, São Paulo
Estonishing! 13* from Estonia, Munich Jewellery Week, representing Thomas Cohn Gallery, Munich
Representing Marzee Gallery at Munich Jewellery Week, Munich
Talente 2016, Munich Jewellery Week, Munich
Winter Breath, Putti Gallery, Riga
Marzee Graduate Show 2015, Marzee Gallery, Nijmegen
Ferromenaalne, Tallinn Art Hall Gallery, Tallinn
Virvatuled, Estonian Museum Of Applied Art And Design, Tallinn 
Let’s Get Phygital, collaborative project between Estonian Academy of Arts
and London Colledge of Fashion and PXL-MAD, curating an exhibition and
moderating a panel discussion, EKA, Tallinn 

Naturally, It Is Not, curating an exhibition together with
Keiu Krikmann, Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design, Tallinn
Let’s Get Phygital, collaborative project between Estonian Academy of Arts and London Colledge of Fashion,
curating a student- exhibition, Studio D-40, Munich

How to Create a 3D Ring, workshop, KUMU, Tallinn
Digital Intimacy, organisation of a symposium, in collaboration with Current Obsession magazine, Munich
Fragments, workshop, Estonian Museum of Applied Arts, Tallinn
Offset, ehxibition dedicated to Estonian design, Galerie Résidences, Paris
Kafedra, curating exhibition of Jewellery and Blacksmithing department’s collection,
Narva Art Residency, Narva
Lecturer in a collaborative project between Estonian Academy of Arts,
London College of Fashion and PXL-MAD
Lecturer in a collaborative project between Estonian Academy of Arts and London College of Fashion
2022Supervision of Ulrika Paemurru’s master’s thesis, Estonian Academy of Arts
2015—Guest Lecturer at Estonian Academy of Arts
2016—2018Museum Pedagogue at Estonian Museum of Applied Art & Design 
Jewellery Designer at Monquer [now Hyrv] company
2013—2015Drawing Teacher, Istituto di Moda Burgo Eesti Moekool
2011—2012Art Teacher, Sillamäe Huvi- ja Noortekeskus Ulei
Discussion within the exhibition Down the Rabbit Hole at MO Museum
in Vilnius together with Justė Kostikovaitė, Maija Rudovska, Merilin Talumaa,
Darja Popolitova and Anastasia Sosunova, moderated by Valentinas Klimašauskas
Probing the Digital. Cyborgs, Avatars, and AI,
the Institute of Contemporary Art, Architecture, and Design
at the Art Academy of Latvia (LMDA), Riga
Poetry Festival, curaator Sveta Grigorjeva, Vaba Lava, Narva
Artistic Research Method You Haven’t Heard Of, artist lecture on Zoom, Rhode Island School of Design
PhD Vitamin, conference, Tallinn
Design conversation evening #4: Video Killed the Radio Star or What if Cybersmiths Killed Master Skills?,
Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn
How to Shape Knowledge Through Art?, public lecture, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn
Artificial Intelligems DREAMS + TALKS, Virtual symposium, organised by Anneleen Swillen
Conference of the Doctoral School, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn
University pedagogy course, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn
Jewelry of Tomorrow, symposium, Museum of Arts and Design, New York
Adornment and Gender: Engaging Conversation, conference, Oslo
The Body Political: Wearable Objects as Social Tools, Lauren Kalman’s workshop,
participant, KORU6, Imatra

Quality, symposium, Platina Gallery, Stockholm

Social Club #4, conversation evening, in collaboration with Current Obsession magazine,
Munich Jewellery Week, Munich
PechaKucha, ARS House, Tallinn
Conference: Design Education 50. Wins and Losses, Tallinn
Selecting participants for the annual programme at EAA Gallery, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn
TEDx, conference, Tartu Ülikooli Narva kolledž, Narva
Lecture about EAA Jewellery and Blacksmithing Department, St. Petersburg Art and Industry Academy
Popolitova, Darja. 2021. Luule. Müürileht, november, p. 3.
Popolitova, Darja, 2022. Tactilite — Stone that Tickles The Gaze, or the Confession of an Artwork. In: K. Krikmann, 2021. Aleksandr Popolitov. Sillamäe: Sillamäe Muuseum, pp. 52-67. 
Popolitova, Darja, 2019. Long Nails of Privilege. Current Obsession, 7, pp. 1-7. 
Hallik, Sofia; Popolitova, Darja, 2019. Digitally Produced Jewellery: Tactile Qualities of a Digital Touch. The Journal for Artistic Research.
Popolitova, Darja, 2015. Androgynous Jewelry, Autor Magazine, 3, pp. 17-19.
Heinsalu, Juss; Popolitova, Darja; Kosorotova, Sandra, 2022. Cones, Dust and Microscope — Artists on Tactility. Leida.
Popolitova, Darja, 2022. Ehtekunstnik Darja Popolitova valu maailmas toimuva pärast: paljud „vene” inimesed ei sündinud Venemaal ega valinud Putinit presidendiks. Interviewed by Triin Tiisel. 
Popolitova, Darja, 2021. Darja Popolitova: kes ei teeks oma sünnipäeval selfit?. Interviewed by Heinrich Sepp. 
Popolitova, Darja, 2021. Tactilite: Stone that Tickles the Gaze. Interviewed by Vica Gábor. Current Obsession.
Popolitova, Darja, 2021. Вскрыть всю липкость существования. Interviewed by Elnara Taidre.
Popolitova, Darja, 2021. Dekadentlikule maitsele. Interviewed by Kaarin Kivirähk. Säde, suvi 2021, pp. 98-100.
Popolitova, Darja, 2021. Darja Popolitova: „Ehe vaatab maailma kultuuri silmadega“. Interviewed by Kaisa Tooming. Hä
Popolitova, Darja, 2020. Suur lugu. „Kui pole ruumi, pole ka teoseid“ ehk kus töötavad kunstnikud Tallinnas ja Tartus?. Interviewed by Kaarin Kivirähk ja Marika Agu.
Popolitova, Darja, 2020. I am the witch. Interviewed by Una Meistere.
Popolitova, Darja, 2016. Uus Eesti Disain: Darja Popolitova. Interviewed by Mariliis Mõttus. Müürileht, 59, Dec. 2016, p. 28. 
Popolitova, Darja, 2016. Darja Popolitova. Interviewed by Kadri Karro. Eesti Ekspress, 20 Jan, 2016, p. 36.
Popolitova, Darja, 2016. Darja Popolitova: ehete taga on lugu. Interviewed by Mari-Liis Koemets. Yu Magazine, 3, pp. 33-39.
Hallik, Sofia; Popolitova, Darja, 2016. Kas ühe päästerõngaga ikka päästab kultuuri?, Interviewed by Reet Varblane. Sirp, 13 May 2016, p. 10.
Popolitova, Darja, 2015. Украшения как неслучайное творчество. Interviewed by Olesja Rotar.
Plug Online.
Popolitova, Darja, 2014. Creative Mind: Conceptual Jewelry. Interviewed by Camilla Franziska  Bonne, Tallinn Arts, 2, pp. 74-79. 

Krikmann, Keiu. 2021. Kleepuva eksistentsi igapäevane maagia. Kunst.Ee 2021(3), pp. 22-25.
Metsamärt, Aleksander. 2021. Meie igapäevane puutemaagia. Müürileht.
Luhaäär, Merle, 2020. ‘I am a magnet for people. My life is exciting.’ From concept art to
conceptual art: jewellery, sexism, xenophobia and loneliness. Current Obsession.
Riggs, Kellie, 2021. A Post-Digital Prophecy Virtual Space and Jewellery. Current Obsession. pp. 6-9, 21. 
Riggs, Kellie, 2019. -White Cube / +White T-Shirt: Context Via Image and Today’s Cult Jewelers.
Metalsmith. 39/1, lk 45-46, 53. 
Hiob, Lilian. 2023. Darja Popolitova. Ultra Contemporary. [näituse kataloog] np. <>
Popolitova, Darja, Värske Rõhk. Külas Darja Popolitova, Sofia-Elizaveta Katkova and Svetlana Štšur. IDA Raadio, 23.05. 00:00-1:00:45. 
Malkin, Mihhail, 2021. Летняястудия. ERR, ETV+, 12.04.2022, 00:00-07:31.
Malkin, Mihhail, 2021. Летняястудия. ERR, ETV+, 04.08.2021, 26:11-33:26.
Suržikova, Aljona, 2021. Edulood. Darja Popolitova. ERR, ETV+, 21.03.2021, 00:00-43:07. 
Žemžurov, Aleksandr; Sergeeva, Varvara, 2021. Великолепная четверка. Художник украшений Дарья Пополитова о своей истории успеха!. ERR, Raadio 4, 09.02.2021, 00:00-12:18.
Võsumets, Marian, 2021. Reporter. Kanal 2, 29.01.2021, 00:00-17:52.
Karasjova, Natalja, 2020. Кофе+. ERR, ETV+, 14.10.2020, 03:36-05:00.
Boons, Sofie, 2020. Lockdown Series | Digital Jewellery. Digital Jewellery with Darja Popolitova. The British Academy of Jewellery, BAJ Podcast, 19.06.2020, 00:00-31:20. <>
Hiob, Lilian, 2020. Vitamiin K. Darja Popolitova. IDA Radio, 08.07.2020, 00:00-30:00. <>
Katsan, Ellina, 2020. Актуальнаякамера. ERR, ETV+, 05.07.2020, 07:46-09:15. <>
Tisler, Julija, 2020. Летняястудия. ERR, ETV+, 07.07.2020, 10:36-13:57. <>
Jahimovich, Ilona, 2019. Звуки. Мысли. Встречи. Latvijas Sabiedriskie Mediji, Latvijas Radio 4,
28.03.2019, (16:07) 00:00-22:31. <>
Vetik, Anne, 2019. Materialism. Külas Darja Popolitova. IDA Radio, 13.09.2018, 59:33. <>
Tisler, Julija, 2018. Актуальная камера. Дизайнер Дарья Пополитова рассказала о процессе изготовления современных украшений. ERR, ETV+, 16.09.2018, 00:00-04:01. <>
Vedom, Evelina, 2017. Рабарбар. Нашакультура: 65. ERR, ETV+, 19.05.2017, 15:10-22:25. <>
Kilumets, Margit. 2016. OP. Ehtekunstnik Darja Popolitova: vene rahvastik on Eestis peidetud ressurss. ERR, ETV, 03.05.2016, 00:00-03:00. <>
Kilumets, Margit. 2016. OP. ERR, ETV, 11.10.2016, 15:05-17:54. <>
Rotar, Dan, 2016. Барабан. ERR, Raadio 4, 11.07.2015. 00:00-48:46. <>

News 🗞 Darja Popolitova artwork ANTROPOS HAPTIKOS is presented at Vaal galerii sügisoksjon 30.11 & 02.12.2023.