Darja Popolitova at HOP GALLERY

The exhibition MAGICAL HOTSPOT touches upon a digital intimacy where, on one hand, we repeatedly touch, tap and scroll our screens, and, on another, psychologically attached to the technical devices. Illuminated by a glowing surface, we experience perfection: the simplicity and flawlessness of virtual colours and forms that carry through the network. When measuring our steps, listening to our heartbeat and compounding JPG memories, the screen often knows us better than we know ourselves.

Thus, the first series of jewellery made from flexible rubber relates and raises questions about tactility by our way of touching such technical devices: bodily interactions and sensual choreography of hands.

The parallel series of jewellery presents robotic shapes in an attempt to pay attention to how we create identities when wearing and using technical objects. It revives the myth of Narcissus, who in modern interpretation does not fall in love with himself, but in the reflection of his image. The Narcissus is like the Internet user, fascinated by self-representation: pictures, posts and selfies on the web.

Hop Gallery, Tallinn

Graphic design: Norman Orro
The exhibition is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment

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News 🗞 Darja Popolitova artwork ANTROPOS HAPTIKOS is presented at Vaal galerii sügisoksjon 30.11 & 02.12.2023.